AOA Bi-Monthly Technology Update| October-November 2022

1) Many engine API issues found by hive have been fixed for this release.
2) Research EIP-4527,provide a process and data transmission protocol via QR Code between offline signers and watch-only wallets.
3) A new built-in tracer, revertReasonTracer, has been added.
4) The engine API can no longer perform block insertion while the client is snap-syncing.
5) Several other engine API bugs found during #TestingTheMerge are fixed.
6) The HTTP RPC server will no longer hang on shutdown even with very busy connections.
7) RPC methods returning transaction objects now return the chainId for legacy transactions.
8)Research exploring incremental verification and SNARKS without pairings,65% complete.
9) The — netrestrict option is now also applied for discv5.
10) integrate verkle trees into trie,reduce the cost of data transmission,60% completed.




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