AOA Bi-Monthly Technology Update| June-July 2022

1) The engine API is now only available with JWT authentication.
2) Research EIP-4361,Sign-In with Ethereum describes how Ethereum accounts authenticate with off-chain services by signing a standard message format parameterized by scope, session details, and security mechanisms (e.g., a nonce)
3) RPC timer metrics have been changed into histograms.
4) Fixes and preparatory work related to The Merge.
5) Preparatory work for the upcoming path-based trie storage feature.
6) Optimizations related to block processing,Tests/fuzzing improvements.
7) Aurora add ethereum account system 70% complete.
8)Research exploring incremental verification and SNARKS without pairings,45% complete.
9) Smart contract data splitting scheme has entered the development stage, through consistency hash plus virtual link points to solve the uneven distribution of data status quo, 90% completed.
10) integrate verkle trees into trie,reduce the cost of data transmission,40% completed.




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