AOA Bi-Monthly Technology Update| December 2021-January 2022

1 min readFeb 2, 2022

1) Smart contract version upgraded from v 0.8.10, to v 0.8.11, ABI coder v2 is activated by default.
2) Research EIP-4200, encode the destination as a signed immediate value. These can be useful in the majority of (but not all) use cases and offer a cost reduction.
3) Aurora add ethereum account system 45% complete.
4) Research exploring incremental verification and SNARKS without pairings,15% complete.
5) Inter-node communication is done by grpc to reduce the size of transferred data and thus increase the speed of communication, 90% completed.
6) Improve mainnet accounts,simplify Arguments.Unpack.
7) Upgrade rpc apis,remove unnecessary comment.
8)Verification of trust between proxy nodes is done by the CA certificate with RSA symmetric encryption, 90% completed by using cryptography theory to ensure the verification of trust between nodes.
9) Smart contract data splitting scheme has entered the development stage, through consistency hash plus virtual link points to solve the uneven distribution of data status quo, 65% completed.
10) integrate verkle trees into trie,reduce the cost of data transmission,15%




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