AOA Bi-Monthly Technology Update| August-September 2022

1) Many engine API issues found by hive have been fixed for this release.
2) Research EIP-3525,Defines a specification where EIP-721 compatible tokens with the same SLOT and different IDs are fungible.
3) The RPC server supports a new option ReadHeaderTimeout.
4) RPC methods returning transaction objects now return the chainId for legacy transactions.
5) A new built-in tracer, revertReasonTracer, has been added.
6) The engine API endpoint (‘authrpc’) is now enabled by default.
7) Aurora add ethereum account system 80% complete.
8)Research exploring incremental verification and SNARKS without pairings,55% complete.
9) The snap sync implementation has been updated in preparation for ‘path-based state storage’.
10) integrate verkle trees into trie,reduce the cost of data transmission,50% completed.




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